References Building Infrastructure & Environment | Selection
Advisory Services on Building and Infrastructure Issues
TVET programme Myanmar | Accompanying counselling on restoration and conversion measures at historical vocational schools | KfW, 2017-2019
Planning and construction supervision for the conversion of small industrial buildings, Germany | various clients, 2008-2018
Solid Waste Management Korca, Albania | consulting on the development of the regional waste management system | KfW, 2013-2017, in cooperation with I&U
TVET programme Myanmar | Infrastructure consultancy for nationwide 'Fast Track Skills Assessment Centres' | GIZ, 2015
Town Development Fund, Nepal | development of fund design, strategic and operational consulting, fund management, tender management, support for various municipal infrastructure measures | GIZ, 2005-2011
Vocational Training Programme 2008, Vietnam | participatory planning of several nationwide workshop and teaching buildings | GIZ, 2010
Programme for Public Private Partnership, Macedonia | advising municipalities on the planning and implementation of municipal construction and infrastructure tasks including PPP approaches | GIZ, 2009
Programme for Public Private Partnership, Macedonia | training programme on PPP approaches in the field of municipal services | GIZ, 2008-2009
Sector project ‘ecosan - ecological sanitation’: assessment of international pilot projects, documentation, knowledge management | GTZ, 2003-2008
Solid Waste Management Assuan, Egypt | 3 Phases: reorganisation of municipal waste management with population participation, followed by advice on privatisation | GIZ 1995-2003
Project Implementation
Vocational Training Programme 2008, Vietnam | support for construction measures at 4 vocational schools, interface management between technical equipment and construction | KfW 2014-2016
Vocational Training Programme 2010, Vietnam | promotion of LILAMA 2 Technical College | interface management between technical equipment and construction | KfW 2014-2017
TVET Investment Programme, Ethiopia | planning and realisation of 30 nationwide workshop, teaching and office buildings | KfW, 2005-2009 | in cooperation with WEM
Concept Studies and Project Development
Kenyan-German TVET Initiative, Phase II | Feasibility Study on the development of 6 Centres of Excellence for TVET in Kenya | KfW, 2019
Feasibility study for the construction of a TVET Academy for Construction and Logistics in Tiblisi, Georgia | KfW, 2018-2019
Feasibility study for the expansion of Hussein Technical University (HTU), Amman, into a national Centre of Excellence for vocational education and training, Jordan | KfW 2017-2019
Project appraisal for the extension of the German-Mongolian University in Ulanbataar, Mongolia | KfW, 2018
Kenyan-German TVET Initiative, Phase I | Feasibility study on the development of 3 Centres of Excellence for TVET in Kenya | KfW, 2017-2018
Feasibility study for the extension of the Lao-German Technical College, Vientiane, by a 2nd campus, Laos | KfW 2017
Feasibility study for the promotion of vocational schools in Palestine | KfW, 2016
Project planning and support of the "Cash for Work" – employment offensive for Syrian fugitives in Turkey | GIZ, 2016
Feasibility study, construction start and extension concepts for a teacher training centre in Myanmar | KfW, 2015
Feasibility study on the modernisation of several vocational schools in Myanmar | KfW, 2014
Pre-feasibility study for the Development of a Centre of Excellence for Green TVET, Vietnam | KfW, 2013-2014
Conception, moderation, follow-up of 2 future conferences of the city of Rethem/Aller | AKS Rethem, 2010-2012
Centre of Excellence for Green TVET, Kosovo | Conversion ideas for existing buildings and concept development | GIZ, 2012
Preliminary study for the development of a 'Clean Development Mechanism' | Use of waste cement industry, Laos | CCS, 2010
Concept study on international cooperation possibilities of German housing associations | on behalf of Federal Association of German Housing and Real Estate Companies, GdW, 2003 | in cooperation with DESWOS