References Regional Development | Tourism | Interreg
Cost Calculation and Financial Planning
Operator concept for a leisure boat harbour in Heringsdorf | Gemeinde Ostseebad Heringsdorf | 2015
Coordination and financial management for the Interreg project manage+ (extension) | RVR | 2014
Feasibility study for the maintenance and improvement of the water tourism infrastructure in Germany | subcontract PWC (BADV) | 2010
Project coordination and financial management for the Interreg IV project manage+ | Re-gionalverband Ruhrgebiet | 2009/2013
Project coordination and financial management Egoprise | e-government MV | 2009/2013
Financial management for the Interreg IVB Project Baltic Climate | ARL, Hannover | 2009
Creation of a database with comparative business data for the operation of marinas (benchmark database) | Amt Klützer Winkel on behalf of the Mari Tour partners | 2006/2007
Financial Management of the Interreg IIIB Project "River Landscapes as the Lifeline of the Region (ARTery)" | Kommunalverband Ruhrgebiet, Rhein-Neckar-Region, Region Stuttgart, South Holland Province / Netherlands, Mersey Basin Campaign Manchester-Liverpool / UK | 2003-2006
Organisation and implementation of training courses for marina operators | Wirtschaftsfördergellschaft Vorpommern | 2011/2016
Development of a manual for marina operators | Wirtschaftsfördergesellschaft Vor-pommern | 2011/2016
SWOT analysis of different operator models for marinas | Wirtschaftsfördergesellschaft Vorpommern | 2001/2016
Economic Analysis
Project management for the Interreg project EMMA | Hafen Hamburg Marketing | 2016-2019
Effects of a flexible ground sill on shipping on the river Ems | WSA Emden | 2016
Analysis of the economic viability of the continued operation of the Elisabethfehn-Canal | Generaldirektion Wasserstraßen und Schifffahrt (GDWS) - West | 2013
Updating of the cost-benefit analysis for the extension of Langer Trödel canal | WInTO GmbH | 2011
Feasibility study for Public Private Partnership structures for the operation of touristic waterways in Germany | subcontract PWC (BADV) | 2010
Cost-benefits for the lengthening of the pier Kühlungsborn | b & o Ingenieure | 2010
Project coordination and financial management of the Interreg IV-project manage+: Sustainable managemant and operation of major regenerated sites | Regionalverband Ruhrgebiet | 2009/2013
Benefit-cost evaluation of an improvement of the water access to the city of Neukalen | subcontract b & o | 2009/2010
Cost benefit evaluation for the future use of the Finow Canal | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Ost | 2009
Updating of the cost benefit evaluation "Langer Trödel” | WIN GmbH | 2008
Benefit-cost evaluation of an improvement of the seaward access to the lake of Sellin | Ostseebad Sellin | 2007
Estimation of the touristic potential for a modernised harbour ‘Darßer Ort’ | Bundesverband Wassersportwirtschaft (BWVS) | 2006
Employment potentials from tourism (esp. waterbound tourism) in rural areas of eastern Germany | BBR, Bonn | 2005/06
Cost-benefit analysis for improving the seaside access to Lake Sellin | Gemeinde Ostseebad Sellin | 2004
Suitability of the Ahlbeck (Usedom / Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) as a location for a new leisure boat harbour | Planungsbüro Seele | 2003
Inventory and evaluation of socio-economic and socio-cultural data in the German Wadden Sea Region | Forum Wattenmeer, Wilhelmshaven | 2003
Economic evaluation of alternative locations and technical solutions for a new pleasure boat harbour to replace the harbour 'Darßer Ort' | Wirtschaftsministerium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | 2002
Surviway - Market observation for the inland waterway sector 2001-2002 | European Commission | 2001-2002
Feasibility Studies
Site evaluation and overall development of leisure boat tourism in Vorpommern | Regionaler Planungsverband Vorpommern | 2016
Operator concept for a leisure boat harbour in Heringsdorf | Gemeinde Ostseebad Heringsdorf | 2015
Rehabilitation of the Old City of Aleppo (Phase 5) | GTZ | 2001-2003
Evaluation of the economic feasibility of an island marina on the Zingst peninsular: project management for the technical feasibility study and the investigations on coastal protection and flood prevention | Gemeinde Zingst | 2010/11
Feasibility study for a leisure boat harbour in Binz | Gemeinde Ostseebad Binz | 2016
Operator concept for a leisure boat harbour in Heringsdorf | Gemeinde Ostseebad Heringsdorf | 2015
Project Development
Project and financial management for the Interreg-VB-Project „EMMA Extension“: Strengthening inland shipping in the Baltic Sea Region | Hafen Hamburg Marketing e.V. | 2019
Project and Financial Management for the Interreg project JOHANN: Developing Small Cruise Ship Services in the Baltic Sea | Hansestadt Rostock | 2016-2019
Financial Management for the Interreg project ChemSAR | Behörde für Umwelt und Energie Hamburg | 2016-2019
Project management for the Interreg project EMMA | Hafen Hamburg Marketing | 2016-2019
Site evaluation and overall development of leisure boat tourism in Vorpommern | Regionaler Planungsverband Vorpommern | 2016
Operator concept for a leisure boat harbour in Heringsdorf | Gemeinde Ostseebad Heringsdorf | 2015
Project Management of the Interreg project Marriage (Prolongation phase) | Wirtschaftsförderung Vorpommern | 2014/15
Development of an inland shipping Interreg project EMMA | Hafen Hamburg Marketing | 2014/15
Coordination und financial management of manage+ (Interreg) | RVR | 2014
Better Marina Management, harbour network consolidation and water tourism marketing in the southern Baltic rim MARRIAGE | Wirtschaftsfördergesellschaft Vorpommern | 2011/2016
Project coordination and financial management of the Interreg IV-project manage+: Sustainable management and operation of major regenerated sites | Regionalverband Ruhrgebiet | 2009/2013
Project coordination and financial management of Egoprise: E-government solutions as instruments to qualify the public sector for the specific needs of SME | Zweckverband e-government MV | 2009/2013
Interface: Coordination and financial management of the Interreg IVA project Interface | Hansestadt Rostock | 2009
Financial management of the Interreg IV-B-Project Baltic Climate | ARL, Hannover | 2009
Preparation of a subsidy application for a follow-up project of the Interreg III B-Project „Baltic Gateway“ | Hansestadt Rostock | 2008-
Preparation of an Interreg IVB funding application “SURE” | Zweckverband Radegast | 2008
Preparation of an Interreg IVB funding application „Maritour II“| MariTour Projektgemeinschaft | 2007/2008
Support in preparing a subsidy application in the framework of Interreg (Transnational Territorial Cooperation) | Regionalverband Ruhr | 2007
Development of a benchmark database for the operation of sport boat harbours | Amt Klützer Winkel on behalf of MariTour-Partner | 2006/2007
Coordination of the Interreg IIIB-Project MARITOUR (Maritime Tourism Marketing in the Baltic Sea) | Amt Klützer Winkel | 38906
Thematic priorities for the programme period 2007-2015 in the North Sea region (updating the strategy document „NorVision“ for spatial development of the North Sea Region | Interreg-ProgrammSekretariat für die Nordsee, Viborg / Dänemark | 2005
Thematic priorities for the programme period 2007-2015 in the North Sea region (updating the strategy document „NorVision“ for spatial development of the North Sea Region | Interreg-ProgrammSekretariat für die Nordsee, Viborg/ Dänemark | 2005
Establishment for Drinking Water and Sewerage Systems in the Rural Province of Damascus | KfW / subcontract of CES Salzgitter | 2005
Joint marketing and information networking of sea and inland ports in Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and United Kingdom: coordination and financial management of the EU-funded project (Interreg IIIB) | 14 sea and inland ports in Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and United Kingdom | 2004-2006
Preparation of an Interreg IIIB EU funding application to develop a marketing and information network among sea and inland ports in Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and United Kingdom | Hafen Mülheim on behalf of the participating sea and inland ports | 2004
Leisure boat harbour concept for the City of Rostock in preparation for the Olympic games 2012 | Gesellschaft für Stadterneuerung und Stadtentwicklung Rostock | 2003
Extension of spatial planning instruments to offshore areas in coastal zones of the Baltic Sea (Interreg-Phare project Baltcoast): Preparation of German contribution and coordination of the transnational working group | Ministerium für Arbeit und Bau, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern & further project partners from Germany, Sweden, Finland | 2003-2005
Financial management of the InterregIIIB project „ARTery - Restoring and re-developing the riverside landscape as regions’ artery" | Kommunalverband Ruhrgebiet, Rhein-Neckar-Region, Region Stuttgart, South Holland Province / Netherlands, Mersey Basin Campaign Manchester-Liverpool / United Kingdom | 2003-2006
Coordination of the InterregIIIB project „ARTery - Restoring and re-developing the riverside landscape as regions’ artery" | Kommunalverband Ruhrgebiet, Rhein-Neckar-Region, Region Stuttgart, South Holland Province / Netherlands, Mersey Basin Campaign Manchester-Liverpool / United Kingdom | 2003-2006
Concept for the leisure boat development Rügen | Landkreis Rügen | 2003
Extension of spatial planning instruments to offshore areas in coastal zones of the Baltic Sea (Interreg-Phare project Baltcoast): Preparation of a joint working programme for all partners | Ministerium für Arbeit und Bau, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and further project partners from Germany, Sweden, Finland | 2003
Concepts for sustainable development in the EU bird protection area 'coastal landscape of the Wismar Bay' under specific consideration of tourism potentials (contribution to the Interreg-Phare project 'Coastplan') | Ministerium für Arbeit und Bau, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | 2003
Methodological consultancy for the consideration of spatial aspects in the planning for transnational transport corridors (contribution to the Interreg-Phare project 'South Baltic Arc') | Ministerium für Arbeit und Bau, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | 2002/03
Preparation of a funding application for an Interreg IIIB project "ARTery - Restoring and re-developing the riverside landscape as the regions artery" | Kommunalverband Ruhrgebiet, Rhein-Neckar-Region, Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis, Essonne / France, Hollandsche Ijssel / Netherlands, Mersey Basin Campaign / United Kingdom | 2002
Economic evaluation of alternative locations and technical solutions for a new pleasure boat harbour to replace the harbour 'Darßer Ort' | Wirtschaftsministerium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | 2002
Tellmaris – Development of a 3D-map interface for tourist information on mobile computers | EU Commission, subcontract of Tellus / Norway | 2001
Preparation of a project application for EU support (INTERREG IIIB) to develop concepts for integrated development of coastal zones | Ministerium für Arbeit und Bau, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | 2001
Preparation of a project application for EU support (Interreg IIIB) to develop concepts for regional development along a potential "Via Hanseatica" | Ministerium für Arbeit und Bau, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | 2001
Preparation of a project application for EU support to develop a spatial development concept for the Kaliningrad region, coordinated with concepts for regions in neighbouring countries | VASAB-Sekretariat, Danzig | 2001
Spatial Development Action Programme for the Baltic Sea Region (follow-up to "Vision and Strategies around the Baltic Sea Region 2010 – VASAB2010) = VASAB2010+ | Raumordnungsministerien der Ostseeländer / EU programme Interreg II C | 1999-2001
Framework and detailed planning for a network of boat harbours in the Baltic Sea region (project co-ordination) | Ministerium für Arbeit und Bau Mecklenburg-Vorpommern / EU programme Interreg II C | 1999-2001
Site evaluation and overall development of leisure boat tourism in Schleswig-Holstein | Entwicklungsgesellschaft Ostholstein | 2008
Policy Advice
Project and financial management for the INTERREG-V-B-Project „EMMA Extension“: Strengthening inland shipping in the Baltic Sea Region | Hafen Hamburg Marketing e.V. | 2019
Project and Financial Management for the Interreg project JOHANN: Developing Small Cruise Ship Services in the Baltic Sea | Hansestadt Rostock | 2016-2019
Regional development concept for leisure boat harbours at the coast line of Mecklenburg Vorpommern | AfRL Vorpommern | 2016-2017
Project management for the Interreg project EMMA | Hafen Hamburg Marketing | 2016-2019
Support of Final report of the Interreg project Transgovernance | Hansestadt Rostock | 2014
Organisation and implementation of training courses for marina operators | Wirtschaftsfördergellschaft Vorpommern | 2011/2016
Development of a manual for marina operators | Wirtschaftsfördergesellschaft Vor-pommern | 2011/2016
SWOT analysis of different operator models for marinas | Wirtschaftsfördergesellschaft Vorpommern | 2001/2016
Feasibility study for Public Private Partnership structures for the operation of touristic waterways in Germany | subcontract PWC (BADV) | 2010
Preparation of a subsidy application for a follow-up project of the Interreg III B-Project „Baltic Gateway“ | Hansestadt Rostock | 2008-
Future perspectives for the port of Köln Deutz | Häfen- und Güterverkehr Köln AG | 2008
Employment potentials from tourism (esp. waterbound tourism) in rural areas of eastern Germany | BBR, Bonn | 2005/06
Assistance to the leading water sport associations applying EU funding for the campaign „Go Boating“ | Point of Sailing Marketing GmbH (for: Messe Hamburg, Messe Düsseldorf, BWVS etc.) | 2004
Extension of spatial planning instruments to offshore areas in coastal zones of the Baltic Sea (Interreg-Phare project Baltcoast): Preparation of German contribution and coordination of the transnational working group | Ministerium für Arbeit und Bau, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and further project partners from Germany, Sweden, Finland | 2003-2005
Leisure boat development concept for the coastline of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Ministerium für Arbeit und Bau Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | 2003
Market evaluation for redeveloping the former castle of Braunschweig for commercial use | Borek | 2003
Concepts for sustainable development in the EU bird protection area 'coastal landscape of the Wismar Bay' under specific consideration of tourism potentials (contribution to the Interreg-Phare project 'Coastplan') | Ministerium für Arbeit und Bau, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | 2003
Economic evaluation of alternative locations and technical solutions for a new pleasure boat harbour to replace the harbour 'Darßer Ort' | Wirtschaftsministerium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | 2002
Site evaluation and overall development of leisure boat tourism in Schleswig-Holstein | Entwicklungsgesellschaft Ostholstein | 2008