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References Transport Markets and Logistics

Cost Calculation and Financial Planning

  • Cost-benefit analysis for upgrading the IWW link Magdeburg-Berlin (EFRE) | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Ost | 2013

  • Cost-benefit analysis for upgrading the IWW link Magdeburg-Berlin (EFRE) | Am Zehnhoff-Söns GmbH | 2013

  • Optimal Kiel canal transit charges considering fiscal and economic aspects | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Nord | 2012

  • Supporting Port Halle Ltd. regarding application for grants according to the Federal combined transport directive | Hafen Halle GmbH | 2010/2011

  • Freight traffic forecast for the Hadeln canal | Niedersächsischer Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschutz, Stade | 2010

  • Consulting services for the port of Andernach regarding the expansion of the port | Andernach | 2007/2010

  • Market potential and feasibility study of the project SHH: Rail supported hinterland-hub in Herne | Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Herne mbH | 2009/2010

  • Cost benefit evaluation of the port of Spelle | Hafenbetriebs- und Verwaltungsgesellschaft Spelle-Venhaus mbH | 2008

  • Benefit-cost evaluation of widening and deepening of the seaward access to Wismar port (update) | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Lübeck | 2007/2008

  • Economic evaluation of by-passes for different towns in the regional road system of the German State of Hessen | subcontract SSP Consult | 2007/2008

  • Modelling of future transport flows within the inland waterway system with regard to forecasted transport volumes | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung | 2008

  • Feasibility study for upgrading the ship canal at the outer Ems river | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Nordwest | 2006/07

  • Market potentials for the new vessel type MANI | Helmut Broß | 2006/2007

  • Comparison of transport modes road, inland shipping and railways from economic and ecological point of view | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Ost | 2006-2007

  • Market study for container facilities in the port of Bendorf | Rheinhafen Bendorf | 2005

  • Preparation of an application for public funding of container facilities at the Rhine port of | Stadtwerke Andernach | 2005

  • Long term development and fleet structure forecasts for inland motor vessels with a length of more than 110 m as well as re-evaluation of the improvement of the river Neckar for vessels > 110 m on the basis of traffic and fleet forecasts for the year 2025 | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen, represented by Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Südwest | 2004-2006

  • Market study for a new intermodal terminal (rail-road) at Cologne-North to apply for project funding by the Federal Government | Häfen und Güterverkehr Köln AG (HGK) | 2003

  • User fee optimisation and economic evaluation of alignment alternatives for the A20 motorway | Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Technologie und Verkehr, Kiel | 2001/02

  • Ten Invest: TEN-Transport Infrastructure Costs and Investments (1996-2010) | European Commission | 2001/02

  • Updating of transportation cost data for project evaluations within the Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan to the price level of the year 1998 | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen | 1999/


Economic Analysis

  • Economic evaluation of dredging the Ems | WSA Emden | 2019

  • Employment effects of the Ports of Cologne | HGK | 2018/19

  • Economic evaluation of selected design variants of a new bridge across the Köhlbrand in Hamburg | Hamburg Port Authority | 2018/19

  • Economic Evaluation of selected design variants at the middle Rhine | WSA Duisburg Rhein | 2018

  • Long term bed load aggravation at the middle Rhine | WSA Freiburg | 2018/19

  • Sustainable Transport Infrastructure charging and | European Commission | 2017

  • Handbook cost benefit evaluations at waterways | Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur | 2017-2019

  • Effects of a flexible ground sill on shipping on the river Ems | WSA Emden | 2016

  • Updating of figures describing the importance of the port of Hamburg for the regional and national economies for the year 2014 | Hamburg Port Authority | 2015

  • Traffic forecast Baden-Württemberg 2030 | Verkehrsministerium Baden-Württemberg | 2015

  • Economic evaluation of different ring roads in Hessen | SSP Consult (subcontract) | 2014

  • Economic evaluation of inland waterway projects to be considered in the Federal Transport Investment Plan 2015 | Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur | 2014/15

  • Employment effects for the Port of Hamburg | Hamburg Port Authority | 2014

  • Development of an inland port concept for Nordrhein-Westfalen | Ministerium für Bauen, Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Verkehr NRW | 2014

  • Cost benefit analysis of selected inland waterway projects in Germany as basis for the German Transport Investment plan 2015 | Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur | 2014

  • Employment effects of increased inland shipping transport volumes on the Danube | European Commission (DG Regio) | 2013/14

  • Analysis of combined transport in Europe | European Commission (DG Move) | 2013/14

  • Feasibility study for a new sea port in Emden (Rysumer Nacken) | n-ports/Stadt Emden/IHK | 2013/14

  • Updating evaluation of employment effects of the port of Hamburg for the year 2012 | Hamburg Port Authority | 2013

  • Cost-benefit analysis for upgrading the IWW link Magdeburg-Berlin (EFRE) | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Ost | 2013

  • Cost-benefit analysis of upgrading the railway link Emden-Aurich | DB Netz AG | 2012/2013

  • Impact assessment of measures reducing emissions of inland navigation | European Commission (NEA) | 2012/2013

  • Quick Scan Economic Feasibility Twente-Mittellandkanal Kanal | Euregio | 2012

  • Specialist report in the legal procedure regarding fairway deepening of the river Weser | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Nordwest | 2012

  • Economic evaluation of different ring roads in Hessen | SSP Consult (subcontract) | 2012

  • Evaluation of employment effects of the port of Hamburg | Hamburg Port Authority | 2012

  • Optimal Kiel canal transit charges considering fiscal and economic aspects | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Nord | 2012

  • Updating economic evaluation of Lower Saale upgrade – Lock canal Tornitz | Wasserstraßen-Neubauamt Magdeburg | 2011/2012

  • Validation und further development of the cost-benefit-analysis within the evaluation method of the BVWP | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung | 2011/2013

  • Extension of the Danube in the Straubing-Vilshofen section, EU study: Elaboration of a transport forecast and a cost-benefit evaluation for the Danube river | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Süd | 2011/2012

  • Updating for the year 2009 of indicators for the regional and macro-economic impacts of the Port of Hamburg | Hamburg Port Authority | 2011

  • Federal traffic forecast 2030 and distribution of flows on waterway transport networks (Lot 6) | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung | 2011/2013

  • Cost-benefit-analysis for the deepening of the Kiel Canal | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt, Kiel-Holtenau | 2010/2011

  • Sensitivity analysis of the cost-benefit-analysis about the deepening of the river Ems | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Emden | 2010

  • Updating for the year 2009 of indicators for the regional and macro-economic impacts of the Port of Hamburg | Hamburg Port Authority | 2010

  • Economic evaluation for the road project L2675/L2644 Ummerstadt | subcontract SSP Consult | 2010

  • Economic evaluation for the road project E233 | subcontract SSP Consult | 2010

  • Economic evaluation of the new construction of a low water level lock at the harbour of Magdeburg | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Ost, Magdeburg | 2010

  • Cost-benefit analysis of a new railroad bridge in Oldenburg | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Nordwest | 2010

  • Socio-economical evaluation of road bypasses in Hessen | SSP Consult | 2010

  • Updating and upgrading of the compendium „Cost-Benefit-Analysis for investments in inland waterways" | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion West | 2009/2010

  • Analysis and forecast of the draught of big ships (110m to 135 m)  | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion West | 2009/2011

  • Market potential and feasibility study of the project SHH: Rail supported hinterland-hub in Herne | Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Herne mbH | 2009/2010

  • Updating for the year 2008 of indicators for the regional and macro-economic impacts of the Port of Hamburg | Hamburg Port Authority | 2009

  • Economical evaluation of bypasses in Hesse | subcontract SSP Consult | 2009

  • Freight traffic concept NRW: Evaluation of port and rail infrastructure | Ministerium für Bauen und Verkehr NRW | 2009

  • Large-scale economic assessment of the realignment of the federal and state street network in Mansfeld-Südharz and Kyffhäuserkreis | subcontract SSP Consult | 2009

  • Market study for container facilities in Nienburg-Süd – Leeseringen | grbv Ingenieure | 2008/09

  • Updating of the traffic forecast for the Kiel Canal | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Kiel-Holtenau | 2009

  • Container traffic forecast for a railway container terminal in Bonn. Assistance in preparing a funding application for the construction of a terminal | Am Zehnhoff-Söns GmbH, Bonn | 2008

  • Cost-benefit evaluation of deepening the seaward access to Rostock port | Hafen-Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, Rostock | 2008

  • Cost-benefit evaluation of new building of the ship lift Niederfinow North | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Ost, Magdeburg | 2008

  • Estimation of freight throughput volumes for the port of Spelle-Venhaus | Hafenbetriebs- und Verwaltungsgesellschaft Spelle-Venhaus mbH | 2008

  • Cost-benefit evaluation of deepening and widening of the Außenweser | WSA Bremerhaven | 2008

  • Updating for the year 2007 of indicators for the regional and macro-economic impacts of the Port of Hamburg | Hamburg Port Authority | 2008

  • Cost-benefit evaluation of deepening the branch canal Linden | Städtische Häfen Hannover | 2008

  • Feasibility study for a new container port in Minden (Regio-Port Weser) | Mindener Hafen GmbH | 2008

  • Integration of strategic environmental impact assessment into the Federal transport investment planning methodology | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung | 2008

  • Determination of traffic demand and economical justification of reconstruction of bridges over the Hildesheim canal | Subcontract SSP Consult | 2008

  • Benefit-cost evaluation of widening and deepening of the seaward access to Wismar port (update) | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Lübeck | 2007/2008

  • Economic evaluation of by-passes for different towns in the regional road system of the German State of Hessen | subcontract SSP Consult | 2007/2008

  • Modelling of future transport flows within the inland waterway system with regard to forecasted transport volumes | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung | 2008

  • Regional and macro-economic importance of the Neuss-Düsseldorf ports | Neuss-Düsseldorfer Häfen GmbH & Co. KG | 2007/2008

  • Benefit-Cost-Analysis of new road constructions (EFRE 2007-2013) | Straßenbauamt Nordthüringen | 2007/08

  • Updating for the year 2006 of indicators for the regional and macro-economic impacts of the Port of Hamburg | Hamburg Port Authority | 2007

  • Forecast 2030 of Ferry Traffic in the Baltic Sea | Scandlines AG | 2007

  • Estimation of container throughput volumes for selected terminals | Deutsche Bahn AG | 2007

  • Feasibility study for upgrading the ship canal at the outer Ems river | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Nordwest | 2006/07

  • Europe-wide estimation of sea port hinterland transport volumes in 2004 (contribution to the ROMP data bank of German Railways) | BVU, Deutsche Bahn AG | 2006/07

  • Comparison of transport modes road, inland shipping and railways from economic and ecological point of view | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Ost | 2006-2007

  • Long term development perspectives for the operation of large inland motor vessels on the northern section of the Dortmund-Ems Canal and the Coastal Canal | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Rheine | 2006

  • Forecast 2015 of cargo throughput in the port of Lübeck | Lübecker Hafen-Gesellschaft mbH | 2006

  • Benefit-cost evaluation of widening and deepening of the seaward access to Wismar port | Hansestadt Wismar | 2006

  • Forecast for the year 2020 of the economic impacts of the Port of Hamburg | Hamburg Port Authority | 2006

  • Economic assessment of the capacity and its upgrading, of the Kiel Canal lock at Brunsbüttel | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Brunsbüttel | 2006

  • Updating for the year 2005 of indicators for the regional and macro-economic impacts of the Port of Hamburg | Hamburg Port Authority | 2006

  • Economic and ecological study of the traffic impacts of the by-pass around Ratzeburg in the course of the B 208 federal road | Land Schleswig-Holstein | 2006

  • Depth improvement of the Weser sea access way - evaluation of one construction alternative | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Bremerhaven | 2006

  • Railroad node Hamburg: Determination of a freight matrix 2015/2020 | Freie u. Hansestadt Hamburg | 2006

  • Potentials of river crossing of the Elbe in the course of the motorway A 21 | Handelskammer Hamburg | 2005/2006

  • Forecast of German maritime transport until 2025 as part of the forecast of the German-wide origin-destination matrix | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen | 2005/2007

  • Assessment of capacity calculations concerning the extension of the Danube river in the section Straubing - Vilshofen | RMD Wasserstraßen GmbH, München | 2005

  • Updated forecast of seaport hinterland transport flows 2010/ 2015, including an estimate of intermodal transport flows | Stinnes AG | 2005/2006

  • Market study for container facilities in the port of Bendorf | Rheinhafen Bendorf | 2005

  • Economic assessment of the traffic infrastructure in the region Itzehoe-Brunsbüttel considering the impact of the construction of the motorway A20 | in cooperation with SSP Consult | 2005

  • Benefit-cost assessment of improvements for the seaside access „Northern Peene“ in view of changed market demand | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Stralsund | 2005

  • Programming a tool for annual updating of figures describing the importance of the port of Hamburg for the regional and national economies; tool application for 2004 | Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg | 2005

  • Preparation of an application for public funding of container facilities at the Rhine port of | Stadtwerke Andernach | 2005

  • Market potentials for a container facility at the Dortmund-Ems Canal | Unternehmen | 2005

  • Economic feasibility study for a new break-bulk terminal at the seaport of Brake | J. Müller Breakbulk Terminal GmbH & Co. KG | 2005

  • Economic assessment of the sea access to the port of Stralsund | Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt Stralsund | 2004

  • Economic assessment of a highway link (B87n) between Fulda and Meiningen area | subcontract SSP Consult | 2004

  • Study on the forecasting methodology for the German-wide origin-destination matrix (by transport modes) 2020 | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen | 2004

  • Long term development and fleet structure forecasts for inland motor vessels with a length of more than 110 m as well as re-evaluation of the improvement of the river Neckar for vessels > 110 m on the basis of traffic and fleet forecasts for the year 2025 | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen, vertreten durch die Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Südwest | 2004-2006

  • Traffic forecast and economic evaluation for the improvement of the Hohensaaten-Friedrichsthaler waterway | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Eberswalde | 2004

  • Benefit-cost assessment of deepening the river Ems for Ro-Ro vessels | Emder Hafenförderungsgesellschaft mbH | 2004

  • Benefit-cost analysis for the improvement of the eastern access to the port of Stralsund (pre-study) | Hansestadt Stralsund | 2004

  • Benefit-cost evaluation of expanding the eastern section of the Kiel Canal | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Kiel-Holtenau | 2003-2004

  • User manual on the evaluation methodology for the Federal Transport Investment Plan 2003 | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen, Bonn | 2003-2004

  • Re-evaluation of the extension of the river Saale below Calbe assuming no parallel extension measures at the Elbe river | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen, Bonn | 2003

  • Renewed evaluation of the A 20 Elbe tunnel crossing | Straßenbauamt Itzehoe | 2003

  • Demand for and economic assessment of improved long-distance road connections for western and northern Thüringen | subcontract SSP Consult | 2003-2004

  • Benefit-cost assessment of deepening the seaport access way at the river Ems | Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr | 2003

  • Benefit-cost evaluation of a new deep-water container port at Wilhelmshaven | JadeWeserPort Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH | 2003

  • Market study for a new intermodal terminal (rail-road) at Cologne-North to apply for project funding by the Federal Government | Häfen und Güterverkehr Köln AG (HGK) | 2003

  • Benefit-cost evaluation of an accelerated completion of the motorway A20 (southern by-pass to the city of Lübeck) | subcontract SSP Consult | 2002/03

  • Evaluation of economic impacts of airports located close and distant to the city centre | Gemeinsame Landesplanungsabteilung Berlin Brandenburg | 2003

  • Benefit-cost analysis of the enlargement of the Elbe river to improve the access for large container vessels to the port of Hamburg | Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Wirtschaft und Arbeit | 2003

  • Sensitivity calculations for the extension of the river Saale to consider new policy guidelines for environment friendly rivers | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen | 2002/03

  • Benefit-cost evaluation for improving sea access way to the fishery port of Rostock for dry bulk cargo vessels | Stadt Rostock / Wirtschaftsministerium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | 2002/03

  • Quantification of regional and national economic impacts of the port of Hamburg (employment, income, added value): empirical survey and statistical estimates | Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Wirtschaft und Arbeit | 2002/03

  • Economic evaluation of by-passes for different towns in the regional road system of the German State of Hessen | subcontract SSP Consult | 2002/03

  • Macroeconomic evaluation of an extension of the river Mittelweser and the new construction of the Weser-Jade canal | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen | 2002

  • Future perspectives for the German inland waterways transport industry | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen | 2002/ 03

  • Determination of the German and Dutch seaport hinterland transport volumes in 2000, by counties and by transport modes | DB Cargo GmbH | 2002

  • User fee optimisation and economic evaluation of alignment alternatives for the A20 motorway | Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Technologie und Verkehr, Kiel | 2001/02

  • Cost-benefit analysis on technical safety standards for inland navigation | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen | 2001/02

  • Potential container and bulk cargo throughput in the Jade-Weser Port with new inland waterway connection | Jade-Weser-Port-Gesellschaft, | 2001

  • Coarse assessment of the improvement of the freight traffic in the conurbation region Stuttgart | Kompetenzzentrum Region Stuttgart GmbH | 2001

  • Cost-Benefit-Analysis of the extension variants of the airport Kiel-Holtenau | Weidleplan GmbH, Stuttgart | 2001

  • Surviway - Market observation for the inland waterway sector 2001-2002 | European Commission | 2001-2002

  • Development and public support concept for inland ports in Northrhine-Westphalia | Ministerium für Wirtschaft und Mittelstand, Energie und Verkehr des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen | 2001

  • Estimate of the number and size of container ships on main routes calling at Bremerhaven | Eurogate GmbH | 2001

  • Cost-benefit analysis of the deepening of the Außenweser as sea access way to Bremerhaven | Senat für Wirtschaft und Häfen, Bremen | 2001

  • Inland container port of Stuttgart: Preparation of an application for subsidies within the Federal Support Programme | Hafen Stuttgart GmbH | 2001

  • Assessment of the need for a new deep water port in the German bay | Nieders. Minsterium für Wirtschaft, Technologie und Verkehr; Senator für Wirtschaft und Häfen der Freien Hansestadt Bremen; Wirtschaftssenator der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg | 2000

  • Updating of transportation cost data for project evaluations within the Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan to the price level of the year 1998 | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen | 1999

  • Benefit-cost-analysis for the extension of the Danube river between Straubing and Vilshofen | Wasser- und Schiffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes Wasser- und Schiffahrtsdirektion Süd | 1999

  • Concept for supporting intermodal terminals at inland waterways in Germany | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen, Bonn | 1999

  • Influence of infrastructure improvements and other factors on the modal split between inland shipping and competing modes in goods transport | Bundesminister für Verkehr | 1998/99


Feasibility Studies

  • Traffic forecats for a new port in (Regio-Port Weser) | Mindener Hafen GmbH | 2018/19

  • Masterplan rail shuttle services in the Rhine areas (phase 2) | Logistikregion Rheinland e.V. | 2018/19

  • Market study for an Offshore-Terminal in Bremerhaven (OTB) | bremenports | 2015

  • Development of an inland port concept for Nordrhein-Westfalen | Ministerium für Bauen, Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Verkehr NRW | 2014

  • Market study for (railway) container facilities in Bonn | Am Zehnhoff-Söns GmbH | 2013

  • Market study for the port of Minden | Mindener-Hafen GmbH | 2012

  • Pre-investment study for a new port in Düsseldorf Reisholz | Neuss-Düsseldorfer Häfen  | 2012

  • Market study for container facilities in Cologne-Godorf | Häfen- und Güterverkehr Köln AG (HGK) | 2012

  • Masterplan French Rhineports | Voies Navigables de France | 2011/2012

  • Updating potential analysis for new container facilities in Minden (RegioPort Weser) | Mindener Hafen GmbH | 2011

  • Market study for container facilities in the Wesel area | Hülskens GmbH & Co KG | 2009

  • Market study for container facilities in Halle | Hafen Halle GmbH | 2009

  • Survey for container traffic via Dortmund | Container Terminal Dortmund GmbH | 2008/09

  • Estimation of freight throughput volumes for the port of Spelle-Venhaus | Hafenbetriebs- und Verwaltungsgesellschaft Spelle-Venhaus mbH | 2008

  • Feasibility study for a new container port in Minden (Regio-Port Weser) | Mindener Hafen GmbH | 2008

  • Feasibility study for upgrading the ship canal at the outer Ems river | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Nordwest | 2006/07

  • Development perspectives for the port of Krefeld | SWK Stadtwerke Krefeld | 2003

  • Opportunity study for a logistics and distribution centre at Kostanai / Kazahstan | GTZ | 2003

  • Future Scenarios for the Port of Düsseldorf | Stadtwerke Düsseldorf AG | 2001


Project Development

  • Project and financial management for the Interreg-BV-Projekt „EMMA Extension“: Strengthening inland shipping in the Baltic Sea Region | Hafen Hamburg Marketing e.V. | 2019

  • Project management for the Interreg project EMMA | Hafen Hamburg Marketing | 2016-2019

  • Development of an inland shipping Interreg project EMMA | Hafen Hamburg Marketing | 2014/15

  • Support preparing first level control in a European project | Ministerium für Energie Infrastruktur und Landesentwicklung MV | 2014

  • Interface Plus (Interreg) coordination and financial management | VVW | 2013/14

  • Introducing Electric Mobility as intermodal transport mean in small and medium sized cities of the SBA | Rostocker Straßenbahn AG | 2012/2016

  • Project coordination and financial management of Interreg IVB-Project AMBER COAST LOGISTICS | Hafen Hamburg Marketing | 2011/2014

  • Potential analysis for container facilities in Krefeld | Hafen Krefeld GmbH | 2011

  • Traffic analysis and economic evaluation of canal link Saône-Mosel / Saône-Rhein | NESTEAR | 2011/2012

  • Interface+: Improving the ferry traffic in the Baltic Sea | Verkehrsverbund Warnow GmbH | 2010/2020

  • Preparation of a subsidy application for a follow-up project of the Interreg III B-Project „Baltic Gateway“ | Hansestadt Rostock | 2008-

  • Joint marketing and information networking of sea and inland ports in Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and United Kingdom: coordination and financial management of the EU-funded project (Interreg IIIB) | 14 sea and inland ports in Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and United Kingdom | 2004-2006

  • Development concept for the corridor Berlin-Rostock Gedser-Öresund | Hansestadt Rostock | 2004

  • Area demand and area management concept for logistical services in Hamburg | Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Wirtschaft und Arbeit | 2003

  • Preparation of a transnational cooperation project "Baltic Rail" | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen | 2001/ 02


Policy Advice

  • Project and financial management for the Interreg-VB-Project „EMMA Extension“: Strengthening inland shipping in the Baltic Sea Region | Hafen Hamburg Marketing e.V. | 2019

  • Employment effects of the Ports of Cologne | HGK | 2018/19

  • Economic evaluation of selected design variants of a new bridge across the Köhlbrand in Hamburg | Hamburg Port Authority | 2018/19

  • Masterplan rail shuttle services in the Rhine areas (phase 2) | Logistikregion Rheinland e.V. | 2018/19

  • Support oft he regional government in implementing the port development concept | Ministerium für Verkehr des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen | 2018/19

  • Port development concept Rheinland-Pfalz | Ministerium für Wirt-schaft, Verkehr, Landwirtschaft und Weinbau Rheinland-Pfalz | 2017/18

  • Support of preparing a funding application for the port of Andernach | Stadtwerke Andernach | 2017

  • Support of the cooperation project Hamburg – NRW plus: Optimising transport between Hamburg and NRW with focus on rail and inland waterway transport | Ministerium für Bauen, Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung | 2017/18

  • Feasibility study for rail shuttle services in the Rhine area | Kreis Neuss | 2017

  • Project management for the Interreg project EMMA | Hafen Hamburg Marketing | 2016-2019

  • Definition of criteria for “Good Navigation Status” on European waterways | European Commission | 2016-17

  • Support to the Ministry of Transport, Northrhine Westphalia in the implementation of its waterways and inland harbour development concept | Verkehrsministerium NRW | 2015-2017

  • Evaluation of capacity and performance of roads in the Ruhrgebiet | IHK Essen | 2015

  • Employment effects for the Port of Hamburg | Hamburg Port Authority | 2014

  • Development of an inland port concept for Nordrhein-Westfalen | Ministerium für Bauen, Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Verkehr NRW | 2014

  • Expert for the European Commission in the field of IWW (expert database) | European Commission (DG Move) | 2014

  • Employment effects of increased inland shipping transport volumes on the Danube | European Commission (DG Regio) | 2013/14

  • Development plan for the port of Mannheim | Hafen/Stadt Mannheim | 2013/14

  • Updating evaluation of employment effects of the port of Hamburg for the year 2012 | Hamburg Port Authority | 2013

  • Specialist report in the legal procedure regarding fairway deepening of the river Weser | WSA Bremerhaven | 2013/2014

  • RIS implementation survey and policy evaluation | European Commission (NEA) | 2013

  • Specialist report in the legal procedure regarding fairway deepening of the river Weser | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Nordwest | 2012

  • Explanatory statement justifying the fairway deepening of the river Weser | Eurogate GmbH & Co. KGaA, KG | 2012

  • Supporting Port Spelle-Venhaus Ltd. in planning process for port upgrade | Hafen Spelle-Venhaus GmbH | 2011

  • Expert opinion on increasing the competitiveness of inland ports | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung | 2010/2011

  • Road traffic survey in selected ports in the German part of the Baltic Sea  | Tetraplan | 2010

  • Consulting of Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg in the course of the plan approval procedure regarding the deepening of the river Elbe part II | HPA, Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg | 2009

  • Discussion of transport effects of the extension of the Danube river in the section Straubing - Vilshofen“ | Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Regensburg | 2009

  • Medium and long term possibilities of space optimization and expansion for container handling and logistics in the Rhine ports and the surrounding areas  | Ministerium für Bauen und Verkehr NRW | 2009/2010

  • Consulting of the Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg in the course of the plan approval procedure regarding the deepening of the river Elbe | HPA, Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg | 2009

  • Study on the impact of security measures in the EU economy and trade relations | European Commission | 2008/09

  • Support of the state government of NRW with the implementation of the update of the NRW-port concept | Ministerium für Bauen und Verkehr NRW | 2008/09

  • Preparation of a subsidy application for a follow-up project of the Interreg III B-Project „Baltic Gateway“ | Hansestadt Rostock | 2008-

  • Future perspectives for the port of Köln Deutz | Häfen- und Güterverkehr Köln AG | 2008

  • Development and public support concept for ports in Lower Saxony | Niedersachsen Ports & Co. KG, Oldenburg | 2006

  • Assessment of capacity calculations concerning the extension of the Danube river in the section Straubing - Vilshofen | RMD Wasserstraßen GmbH, München | 2005

  • Support to the Ministry of Transport, Northrhine Westphalia, in the implementation of its waterways and inland harbour development concept (see also projects # 622 and 567) | Ministerium für Verkehr, Energie und Landesentwicklung Nordrhein-Westfalen | 2005/ 2006

  • Research information system transport - subsystem inland waterways transport | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen | 2004

  • Support to the government of Northrhine-Westphalia in preparing for implementation of its inland harbour development concept (see project no. 567) | Ministerium für Verkehr, Energie und Landesentwicklung Nordrhein-Westfalen | 2004

  • Development concept for the corridor Berlin-Rostock Gedser-Öresund | Hansestadt Rostock | 2004

  • Overall assessment of port and access way extensions within the Jade-Weser-Area | bremenports | 2003

  • Area demand and area management concept for logistical services in Hamburg | Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Wirtschaft und Arbeit | 2003

  • Future perspectives for the German inland waterways transport industry | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen | 2002/ 03

  • Rapporteur for the working group on „International Division of Labour“ in the framework of the Federal Chancler's mobility initiative | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen | 2001/ 02

  • Development and public support concept for inland ports in Northrhine-Westphalia | Ministerium für Wirtschaft und Mittelstand, Energie und Verkehr des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen | 2001

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