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Fund Management

Demand-oriented allocation of funds: a lever for market development


The choice of financial instrument has a decisive influence on the effectiveness and efficiency of private and public services. This is particularly evident in our 'Vocational Training' business area, but also in 'Regional Development' and 'Tourism'. Classical budget allocations usually provide little incentive for quality and thus hardly contribute to the market development of the respective service sector. Demand-oriented financing models are therefore becoming increasingly important:


  • Results-based financing: 
    Allocation of funds after fulfilment of performance criteria

  • Challenge Funds:
    Competitive financing of innovative approaches

  • Voucher programs:
    Target group-oriented financing of defined services.


These financing approaches have in common that they set concrete performance incentives. Service providers and/or beneficiaries thus play an active role in the development and gradual improvement of their service provision.


PLANCO supports project executing agencies and development banks in the development and implementation of demand-oriented financing instruments and specialised development funds. If necessary, PLANCO can also take over operational fund management.


Our range of services


  • Development of suitable structures for fund supervision

  • Development and coordination of funding policy

  • Development of target-oriented funding instruments 

  • Development of all business processes and document templates required for implementation

  • Preparation of the operation manual

  • Development of operational structures for fund management

  • Development of web-based management information systems

  • Implementation of marketing activities

  • Management of application, evaluation and award processes

  • Accompaniment of the implementation of funded projects and services

  • Monitoring of procurement and disbursement processes 

  • Compliance management

  • Initiation of internal and external audits

  • Monitoring and evaluation | M&E

  • Reporting to the project owner and the funding agency.



References from the field of Fund Management can be found under our Business Areas.

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